The plot is thickening.
Today´s agenda is all about keeping your shit together, a.k.a organizing. Running a band isn´t actually that far from running a business, believe it or not. Money aside, though- you don´t get anything reasonable out from this unless you run a record company, promotion agency or management. Ironic, isn´t it? However, when you´re preparing for an album it´s extremely important that you know exactly "what, when, where and why" you´re doing stuff.
In the above- placed Excel- sheet- snippet you can see how it goes in the Camp Finntroll. From left to right the rows go as following:
|"Working title | Real Title | Duration | Tempo- Key | Music done | Lyrics done | Rehearsal files delivered | Rehearsed"|
This following example keeps us perfectly on track on stuff we have done and what is yet to be done. As you can see, there are some songs which don´t have duration or music marked- that means they are to be done but not ready yet. Production- wise, it´s very important to see what´s going on all the time and what are the key points to concentrate on within the next milestone. With this, we can see that e.g. "Halkodisko" is completely composed, rehearsed and we also have lyrics for it too. That means we can put that song completely on hold for now and concentrate on the missing X´s.
So, I see we´re missing lyrics for "Lolbster". Email Katla and ask him about them. No rehearsal tapes for "Kyyppari" yet? Do them, and then delegate Beast Dominator to arrange the actual rehearsals for the upcoming week. Keep this in shared Dropbox/ Google Drive so everyone has access for it all the time. Which reminds me, gotta upload the rehearsal files there too.
I kinda like this organizing and during the last eight years at my work in this game house I´ve adapted quite a lot of production/organizing methods to my band- related hobbies as well. In theory, if we were indeed a games company....
Rivfader [Release Candinate V3.2]
Kyyppari [Beta 3.0]
Halkodisko [Release Candinate 2.2]
Soutu [Alpha 1.2]
F&F Alpha: 5/2012 -
Next Milestone: Kyyppari RC 3.1 09/26/12
Closed Beta: 11/14/2012 - 12/11/2012
Public Beta: TBC
Gold: TBC
All bug reports to or
Outgoing information and press releases to
Lead Design Director: Skrymer
Senior Designer: Katla
Audio Director: Trollhorn
Senior Audio Designer: Tundra
Audio Designer: Routa
Audio assistant: Virta, Vreth
Outsourcing manager: Vreth
Accounts manager and additional Audio assistant: Virta
Technical assistant: Virta
Public Relations: Vreth, Skrymer
H&R: Trollhorn
All subjects are to change. (c) Finntroll Games Inc, 2012.
Finntroll Games Inc is a part of Century Media Entertainment.
This reminds me, I actually got some real work to do. Tundra is coming after work hours to help me with Nexro, which might be that opening track I´ve been trying to figure out. 7 weeks left before the studio starts, 75% of the material ready. With a bandmembers and material like this, we´d be fucking majorly screwed if there wasn´t schedules, shared Excel- sheets, emails and telephone communication.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Audio Director.
PS: Even though I´m goddamn excited about this new album, my only wish was that Blizzard would had delayed the release of Mists of Pandaria until December but apparently "don´t release it yet, we have a Finntroll -album to do before that" wasn´t a good reason enough. Bollocks!
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Audio Director.
PS: Even though I´m goddamn excited about this new album, my only wish was that Blizzard would had delayed the release of Mists of Pandaria until December but apparently "don´t release it yet, we have a Finntroll -album to do before that" wasn´t a good reason enough. Bollocks!